When I plot, for example, the following:
LogLogPlot[x^5, {x, 10^-6, 10^6}, Filling -> Bottom]
Some frame ticks are displayed in scientific format and others in decimal form. Is there a way to have all frame ticks displayed with scientific notation? I ended up using something like this:
xticks = Table[{10^i, DisplayForm@SuperscriptBox[10, i]}, {i, -6, 6, 2}];
yticks = Table[{10^i, DisplayForm@SuperscriptBox[10, i]}, {i, -30, 30, 5}];
LogLogPlot[x^5, {x, 10^-6, 10^6}, Ticks -> {xticks, yticks}, Filling -> Bottom]
The thing is, I am satisfied with the tick values computed by Mathematica, but it seems that I'd have to specify these values in order to also dictate how they are displayed.