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Changing screen resolution in Mathematica V12.1.1 ?

Posted 2 years ago

We have just moved from v12.0, where screen DPI was set via

Formatting Options->
Font Options->
Font Properties->
Screen Resolution

but in our current version (12.1.1, I'm told), the DPI option is no longer here - can somebody direct us to it?


POSTED BY: Mark Appleton
9 Replies

That option was deprecated and removed in 12.1. The FrontEnd uses the values reported by the OS in 12.1 and later.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki
Posted 2 years ago

Thanks for letting us know.

Is there a command to get Mathematica to display its current DPI? Our 12.0 was defaulting at 72 and its appearance improved dramatically when we changed it to 96; our 12.1.1 is behaving as though it's running at 72...

POSTED BY: Mark Appleton

The display resolutions are listed in SystemInformation[]. You can use the short form SystemInformation["Devices", "ScreenInformation"] as well.

12.1.0 - 12.3.1 has an active compatibility shim which forces 96dpi displays to report as if they were 72dpi. Evaluating the following will disable it, but I would restart the FrontEnd afterwards.

CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "ScreenResolutionCompatibilityMode"] = False

With that said, there is no direct equivalent to the old mechanism. i.e., you cannot alter the resolution just for the fonts.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

Yes. Technically, it can only be applied globally.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki
Posted 2 years ago

Is there a way to change the global resolution on 12.0 to a custom value? Turns out our monitor is 92, not 96, and Windows 10 defaults to 96!

POSTED BY: Mark Appleton

Hi Mark,

Have you tried to contact technical support?

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna
Posted 2 years ago


Will this command apply globally to all future notebooks, once restarted?

POSTED BY: Mark Appleton
Posted 2 years ago

Thanks a lot - I'll ask them to give it a whirl!

POSTED BY: Mark Appleton

Version 13.2.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (January 27, 2023)

Release ID (8224570, 2023012717827)

Patch Level 0

My actual screen resolution settings are:

In[3]:= SystemInformation["Devices", "ScreenInformation"]

Out[3]= {{"ScreenArea" -> {{0, 1920}, {0, 1050}}, 
  "FullScreenArea" -> {{0, 1920}, {0, 1080}}, "BitDepth" -> 32, 
  "Resolution" -> 72.}}

In[4]:= CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "ScreenResolutionCompatibilityMode"]

Out[4]= True

The Notebook becomes completely disorganized when I evaluate:

CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "ScreenResolutionCompatibilityMode"] = False

Dubbel printed text, half of the page is scrolling (see print-screen below). Sometimes I had to restart the kernels.

enter image description here

I had to set the value back to "True" in the Option Inspector. So better not touch that parameter!

POSTED BY: Chris Van Damme
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