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Import, read, and get the content of a mx file?

Posted 2 years ago

I try to import/read/get the content of a mx file downloaded from here, and tried the following commands:


But nothing happened after I've evaluated the above commands successfully. Any hints for achieving the aim I described above will be highly appreciated.

Regards, HZ

POSTED BY: Hongyi Zhao
2 Replies
Posted 2 years ago

Great. The attached code snippet does the trick. BTW, the whole data set is very large. If I click the "show all" button, it will take a lot of time to expand the data in it.

Regards, HZ

POSTED BY: Hongyi Zhao
Posted 2 years ago

If the .mx file is well-formed, then the Get function will read in the definition of allBCSkLGdat (I'm assuming that DumpSave was used to create the file). You could try the following to see what was added to the Global namespace (after you execute the Get).


You could also try


(or try Information on whatever else was added to Global) to see its definitions.

But based on the README on the GitHub repo you linked to, I think your best bet would be to reach out using the email or WeChat contact info listed under Communications.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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