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[WSG21] New Intro to Wolfram Language Daily Study Group

Posted 2 years ago

We're starting a new Daily Study Group for new users of Wolfram Language! If you'd like to learn to program in Wolfram Language with a combination of short lessons, poll questions to review key concepts, practice problems and Q&A, this is the group for you! We'll be working through the Elementary Introduction to Wolfram Language book by Stephen Wolfram with lots of interactive examples. A certificate of program completion will be awarded to participants who attend online sessions and pass quizzes. A list of daily topics can be found on the Daily Study Groups page. The study group sessions include videos and reading materials for the course and time for discussion and Q&A.


About This Study Group: Learn the Wolfram Language and modern computational thinking from Stephen Wolfram's book with veteran Wolfram Language instructor and developer David Withoff and Wolfram instructional designer and technologist Rory Foulger. No prior programming knowledge is required.

Sessions include short lessons, poll questions to review key concepts, practice problems and Q&A. A certificate of program completion will be awarded to participants who attend online sessions and pass quizzes.

Study Group sessions run daily, Monday through Friday. This Study Group begins Monday, March 21, 2022.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
43 Replies

Thank you James and congratulation for the successful completion of the Study Group !!! See you in next classes to come! Best wishes, Marcos

The "Exercises" worked just fine with me, no exception. But the problem occured when I took the quizzes. They were zeroed when questions were clearly right. There seems to be some issues with timing the deadline. It seemed to me that the due date would be the last time to take the quizzes but somehow they were accepted only until the day before. Anyway, just a misinterpretation of my part.


I was very pleased with my experience w the course, including the Quiz. An Email I recvd on 7Apr2022 said in part:

"Quiz Email 7Apr2022 The quizzes are ready at the links below. There are five quizzes that must be passed with scores of 60% or higher to earn your completion certificate. You have until April 15th to complete them."

I took the 5 Quiz during the week of 11-15Apr2022, which included the last Quiz on the last Day. I can confirm that the Quizes appeared to be accepted and Graded.

On one test, for two of the questions NONE of the answers were entirely correct, according to my evaluation and since these 2 Questions were of the type "Which of the following answers are correct", I left them blank...sometimes in the past with college-level multiple-choice tests I have had questions where no answer was correct, so this did not seem to be entirely out-of-line to answer that way. Although, normally, in college muliple choice test, one is asked to "Pick the Answer closest to being correct" Regardless, these were the only 2 question (for that test) graded wrong, so I still got 80%. And the tests all seemed to allow retaking to get a better grade (each attempt would result in saying the test result was recorded, but to retake the quiz if I wished, which I did do, even tho I always got a passing score the 1st time, and for each subsequent try). If I re-took the test, it was simply to find out the correct answer on the 1 or 2 I missed...I'm assuming the 60% score reqt for the certificate applied for the 1st try? When I re-took the test where I left 2 blank, the answer closest to the correct answer seemed to be determined as being correct, but I did confirm that the question evaluated by MY copy of Mathematica did indeed give a slightly different answer, as I had deduced on the 1st Try. I know, life is messy?

Which brings up the question. When do you send out the Certificates? Presumably by mail, or is it by email? I await eagerly.

I realize that may take a few weeks, but in the era of instant gratification...I am left devoid of the anticipated gratification of having successfully completed the course and quizzes.

Thank You Again James L Brown

POSTED BY: Joseph Sauvageau
Posted 2 years ago

Is anyone else having issues with the "Check My Solution" functionality in the exercise notebooks? Specifically, for Section 10 (images), "Check My Solution" is always telling me it is incorrect even though I have confirmed my solution is correct according to the exercise answers given at the end of the book. It's also spitting out an error.

Here's a screenshot: enter image description here

POSTED BY: Erik Swan
Posted 11 months ago

Hi Eric, my name is Ricardo, and I am working though the exercises on chapter 10. I am experiencing the same problems in the first two exercises as you. Did you find a solution? Thank you! Ricardo

POSTED BY: Ricardo Gorrin

Hello Ricardo and Erik,

Thank you for your feedback, we looked into the exercises noted and found that they were older version of the notebooks. You fix this by going to and deleting the exercise notebook, then refreshing the page. Please email us at if you experience further issues.

POSTED BY: Cassidy Hinkle
Posted 11 months ago

Good morning Cassidy,

Thank you for looking to my post regarding the exercises of chapter 10. Exercises 10.7 to 10.11 (the ones that don't need a picture) are working fine, but the rest of them (the ones with Steve's picture) don't show any answer when I press the "Check my solution" box. I did what you suggested on your post.

Kind regards,


POSTED BY: Ricardo Gorrin

Please, correcting: "Dear Instructors: I have understood that QUIZZES WERE due today April 14th, 2022." in fact, today is due day: April 15th 2022. Best wishes, Marcos

TE MESSAGE below is displayed. The date displayed in the Wolfram quizz site is 04.12.2032 4:57PM ????? Well, very disapointing, Marcos



Posted 2 years ago

The fruit roll problem:

The theoretical probabilities, P, of Winner, Loser, and Try again are:

P(W)=5/5^3=1/25=4%, P(L)=(5 * 4 * 3)/5^3=12/25=48%, and P(T)=1-(P(W)+P(L))=1-52%=48%.

Attached file FruitRoll_GDorfman_9apr22.nb contains two items:

(1) An alternative module for the problem that avoids using Which, Switch, etc., together with code to output 30 executions of it

(2) A simple Monte Carlo analysis that supports the theoretically computed probabilities.

POSTED BY: Gerald Dorfman
Posted 2 years ago

A solution for the Fruit Roller using the functions Tally and Switch.

POSTED BY: José Dordá

When I downloaded the Course Materials at the End of the Last Day of the Course, there does not seem to be any of the Week 3 notebooks. Week 1 and Week 2 notebooks are there, but not Week 3. There seems to be no new files added since Apr 1 (hmmm, All Fools Day?).

Were any new files added more recent than Apr 1, and somehow I'm downloading the wrong cache of files?

Hi I'm in process of my review for the 5 Quiz Marathon. I think it is reasonable to ask whether each Quiz covers a certain portion of the Course? Said Info would make my prep more efficient, since we covered and entire Book in 2 weeks...

I would expect the 1st Quiz would cover perhaps the first few Days, while perhaps Quiz 5 might be expected to cover the entire course? or is there some other portioning that you would be willing to share?

I would happily accept the answer in the form of a Wolfram Language Association Assignment that would lead to a set {<| "Quiz 1" -> {1, 3}, "Quiz 2" -> {3,5}, ... or some such association of Quiz # -> {Day1, Day2}

Thanks In Advance

New Intro to Wolfram Language Daily Study Group (begins March 21!)

POSTED BY: Charles Glover

I do not see your email. I have checked gmail, inbox, spam, junk & deleted items. Please resend it.

POSTED BY: Charles Glover

Could you please share your email. I will reply through email

I Made you a reply gmail yesterday regarding the issues with quiz with some pictures

I have send you an reply email Regarding the Issues with quiz

There appears to be a bug in Quiz 2: Problem 8 My email is:

POSTED BY: Joseph Sauvageau

I found at least one answer for 2 of the Questions on Quiz 2 was "close" to being correct, but actually all of the offered answers for these 2 Questions still contained some errors where they would not evaluate properly. I'm guessing that each person receives a set of different Questions on their Quiz 2 that they are confronted with; the Questions being extracted at random from a Pool of Test Questions (a New Wolfram Language Function: RandomQuestion[10]??).

Anyway, I'm not particularly bothered, as I passed it anyway, but would like to describe the particulars so as to contribute to an improvement in the Pool of Questions. For obvious reasons, I realize it might be best not to discuss this openly in this forum.

Is there an email that I can send the 2 Questions, and what I believe is incorrect as to the offered answers?

Also, it is suggested -in the Quiz- that to get the Certificate, you must get 60% score...I'm thinking that what is meant is the the score should be 60% or greater, otherwise I would have had to go back and change 4 of my answers to reduce my score back to 60%?

Overall, it's been Fun so Far. And I do appreciate the effort that the Gang at Wolfram has made in offering this course.

Posted 2 years ago

Is there a better way to turn a list of associations into a single association than is illustrated in the following example? ((In Mathematica, the Entity[...] entries are the usual icons, which are more readable.)

assocList = {<|Entity["City", {"Kabul", "Kabul", "Afghanistan"}] -> "Kabul, Afghanistan"|>, <|Entity[ "City", {"Maarianhamina", "Aoland", "Finland"}] -> "Maarianhamina, Aland Islands"|>, <|Entity[ "City", {"Tirana", "Tirana", "Albania"}] -> "Tirana, Albania"|>}; Association@Flatten@Normal[assocList]

Here is the output:

<|Entity["City", {"Kabul", "Kabul", "Afghanistan"}] -> "Kabul, Afghanistan", Entity["City", {"Maarianhamina", "Aoland", "Finland"}] -> "Maarianhamina, Aland Islands", Entity["City", {"Tirana", "Tirana", "Albania"}] -> "Tirana, Albania"| >

POSTED BY: Gerald Dorfman


Merge[assocList, Total]

Should do the same thing :)

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Gerald,

This is probably the easiest way if there are no duplicate keys

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 2 years ago

Why does an association with 2 rules behave differently than an association with one rule in this example:
In[98]:= {Reverse[<|a -> {2, 3}, b -> {4, 5}|>, {2}], Reverse[<|a -> {2, 3}|>, {2}]}

Out[98]= {<|a -> {3, 2}, b -> {5, 4}|>, <|a -> {2, 3}|>}

POSTED BY: Gerald Dorfman

Is anyone else having a problem going to the link for Quiz 1?. See attachment for the returned error. I get this error using both Chrome and Safari browsers. I get the same error when I try to open "An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language".


POSTED BY: Charles Glover

Is it one of the 17 solutions for the fruits roller?

very cool! I haven't seen this one before, nice job

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

POSTED BY: Donald Durack


POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

POSTED BY: José Dordá

nice! I love that you combined our learning on manipulate with this project!

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger

POSTED BY: Sarah Hoyle-Katz

very cool!

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

My contribution is from a fav Jazz Art from the National Museum of American History, LeRoy Neiman's Big Band

POSTED BY: Hector Naranjo

this is awesome, I love the triangles!

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

Me too, although now i see the missed opportunity for the nice joke "I love squares"

POSTED BY: Hector Naranjo

haha true!

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger
Posted 2 years ago

POSTED BY: José Dordá


POSTED BY: Rory Foulger

Half way through week 1! How are we enjoying the class so far? What have you learned? What's been hard or surprising for you?

Here are some of the things we've created together in the last couple of days:enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Share your own creations!

POSTED BY: Rory Foulger

Thank you to all who have been participating in the study group so far. As noted by Rory in today's session, Lesson 10 of the course is your homework for the evening:

You will need to be logged in with your Wolfram ID to directly enter the course, otherwise you directed to sign in to continue.

POSTED BY: Cassidy Hinkle

I missed the start of this one, but I'd be interested in joining the next iteration.

POSTED BY: Christopher Long
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