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How to integrate Mathematica Online with a Learning Management System?

Hello all, I recently rediscovered this video from WTC 2018:

Wolfram Tech in Online Course Platforms like edX/Moodle/Coursera/... (with Auto-Grading)

I am interested in implementing a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) link that allows assignment score/grade transfer between Mathematica Online and the Canvas LMS and am struggling to find any additional information. I am working three parallel tracks:

  • posting here
  • searching for current contact info for the session presenters ( Andrea Griffin & @Kyle Keane )
  • contacting Wolfram support to see if anyone in-house has additional info

I am aware of and interested in the recent work previewed by Wolfram (Sylvia Haas and Stephen Schroeder) about the question and answer system--while related, this is a different topic.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions or code from anyone that has investigated or implemented a LTI link like this. Thanks

POSTED BY: Timothy Ewing
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