I have posted this to Wolfram Support, who have kindly replied and are investigating this, but I also feel this warrants some public discussion.
EDIT: 2022-04-28: If you have arrived at this post, which I consider addresses a very important matter for the future of the Quantity system in Mathematica, it will help if you mostly ignore the first posting, and view the other later comments, with improved notebooks. I've left the original posting basically as is, but please note the following:
The use of Table in the original example is not relevant, it is not a good way of mimicking a large iteration in the actual application of concern, and everything to do with QuantityArray (while useful to know about) is not relevant. See the Timing examples using For instead.
The reason For is used is merely to mimic a large iteration for a real application calculation, and to ensure that the test involves invoking a given Quantity-based function more than once with different arguments each time (as might happened during a root solve).
The initial use of a "predefined unit Quantity" as the 2nd argument to UnitConvert was basically a lazy irregular practice, and while it works, it is much slower than using a "UnitString" as second argument. Nevertheless, it's not clear to me why extracting the Unit from a Quantity in that context is so very slow.
The main issue is NOT UnitConvert. In the real application, I barely ever even have to use it.
The main issue is that performing basic maths with Quantity (amongst Quantity or even just multiplying a Quantity by a Real) seems, as far as I can tell, to be impractically slow. If my tests are correct, it's many hundreds of times slower than doing the same calculations just with Real.
The original post (see instead comments below)
I am using the (otherwise wonderful) Quantity system right across a very comprehensive client project. I've hit performance problems, and using some quick tests I think I have just determined that using UnitConvert - or even just multiplying or dividing by a unit Quantity - increases computation time for simple computations by a factor of about 2000!
If what I am seeing is true, I am going to have to spend days or maybe even weeks retro-fitting my MMA application to not use Quantity (at least in computationally crucial places).
The following Timings are on an iMac 5K 3.5 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5.
The functions shown are not very interesting, they serve merely to demonstrate the problem.
First I like to use some predefined units (I actually have a large Package library with a special naming convention for this across my app):
unit$K = Quantity[1, "Kelvins"]
unitC = Quantity[1, "DegreesCelsius"]
The inclusion of UnitConvert massively slows this simple conversion computation down!
test$UnitConvert[n_, tK_] := Table[ UnitConvert[(tK + i/n) unit$K, unitC], {i, 1, n}]
test$UnitConvert[10000, 300.]; // Timing
{2.839933, Null}
Even just the inclusion of multiplication by a unit Quantity greatly slows it down:
test$UnitConvertDirect[n_, tK_] := Table[ ((tK + i/n) - 273.15) unitC, {i, 1, n}]
test$UnitConvertDirect[10000, 300.]; // Timing
{0.49317, Null}
If the multiplication by the Celsius unit is removed, it's much faster!
test$ConvertNoQuantity[n_, tK_] := Table[ ((tK + i/n) - 273.15), {i, 1, n}]
test$ConvertNoQuantity[10000, 300.]; // Timing
{0.001202, Null}
Estimate of slow-down factor due to combined UnitConvert and multiplication by a unit Quantity:
Yes, that's over 2000 times slower. Ouch. Either I am doing something very wrong, or the otherwise brilliant Quantity system is completely unsuitable for use on any substantial real-world project.
To make matters worse, Compile does not work with Quantity:
cfTemp = Compile[{temp}, temp Quantity[1, "Kelvins"] ]
ERROR: CompiledFunction::cfse: Compiled expression 1K should be a machine-size real number.
WARN: CompiledFunction::cfex: Could not complete external evaluation at instruction 1; proceeding with uncompiled evaluation.
300 K
Compile also does not seem to like Quantity used as an argument to any client function, and does not like Quantity returned from a client function, even if you scale it to unitless on the way out.
Now you could of course get around that by (tediously) using units-aware wrappers that divide Quantity arguments by a unit Quantity before invoking a unitless CompiledFunction and multiply the unitless result by the appropriate unit Quantity on the way out. But because of the huge performance hit described above that is completely untenable (and also error-prone).
Yes, yes, I should have tested this all first before committing to using Quantity across an entire large application. I knew there would be a performance hit, but I did not imagine it would be a factor of thousands. 1000s.
I've been extolling the virtues of the Wolfram Language's Quantity system as widely as possible for some time. It's a bit hard to convince the JavaScript-obsessed commercially oriented youth to embrace the Wolfram Language for the benefits of the Quantity system if it is indeed that slow. I hope I'm wrong. I don't ever enjoy it when JavaScript programmers find even the tiniest excuse to laugh at me.