Hey folks,
wrote a notebook to read in all files of a specific type in all the subfolders, process then i want to export the processed data as graphic into the folder, where the original file is located.
So here is my problem: If i just use the files in the notebook directory, it works just fine
hefiles = FileNames["*Data*.txt"];
For[i = 1, i <= Length, i++,
makeDensity[i, hefiles[
]] Export[
StringJoin["Teilchendichte_", ToString[hefiles[]], ".dat"],
makeDensity[i, hefiles[]]]]
If i try to also import the files from the subfolder using:
hefiles = FileNames["*Data*.txt", {"*"}, Infinity];
The export yieds in an error saying:
Export::nodir: Directory H:\Martin\05_Messreihen\Neue Düse\Wellenfronten\GD23\3DPlot_ 150\sSignal\ does not exist
But the folder DOES exist.
Any suggestions what i might change to process all the files i got at once (it is about 420 in like 50 folders)
Thanks in advanced,