"Choose an exhaustive summary, \[Kappa],with p parameters" ->
"Find the rank", "Find the rank" -> "Model is full rank",
"Model is full rank" ->
"Does the model extend?", {"Does the model extend?" ->
"Can the extension theorem be used?", "Yes"},
{"Can the extension theorem be used?" ->
"If \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(D\), \(es\)]\) is full rank, the model \
is full rank in general.", "Yes"},
{"Can the extension theorem be used?" ->
"Choose a reparameterisation s of length \
\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(p\), \(s\)]\)", "No"}
VertexLabeling -> True,
DirectedEdges -> True
I am indeed of a flowchart. Also I am exploring different functionality of Mathematica.
I have tried to draw a bit of the graph, but when there are brunchs (yes, and no). The grapha seem to clapse.
In the texts (strings), is it possible to get a maths p? like in latex $p$, instead of the letter p.
See the first box, "...with p parameters"
I wonder if there is any tricks here? Or Mathematica is a bad choose for this?
(I tried latex, but just can't spend that much time learning tikz, just for this 'simple' graph)
Mathematica code look much simpler.