Mathematica doesn't have a drag, drop and link GUI. Now that the SystemModeler technology is there, it would be great to have its GUI integrated within Mathematica, so that we could create more sophisticated applications (I don't mean having the SystemModeler integrated; I just mean its GUI drag and drop kind of capabilities).
While waiting for it, has anyone ever tried to "link" Mathematica to softwares like dia, libreOffice Draw, yEd, Visio, etc?
Mathematica has different Graph import functionalities. But from the simple import, up to the processing of the schematics, in any way, and based on the user custom properties entered into each Graph object, and passing the processed info back to the graph, etc., there's probably a long distance to go (not to mention the workflow details of such an interaction: can we "double click" the object to call Mathematica on it, which is is best solution to customize to a less generic interface, etc).
Is there someone with an experience to share?