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Can't use Solve and Findroot functions to solve this equation.

Posted 11 years ago
Given an equation
Solve[{0.00006*(0.4 + 4*6*0.4^2.5/(0.2^2.5 + 0.4^2.5)) - 11.5*10^-6 ==
5*10^-6*[Cv + 4*6*Cv^2.5/(0.2^2.5 + Cv^2.5)]}, {Cv}]
and I use the solve function to solve Cv and I get
Syntax::sntxf: "5*10^-6*" cannot be followed by "[Cv+4*6*Cv^2.5/(0.2^2.5+Cv^2.5)]".
Syntax::tsntxi: "[Cv+4*6*Cv^2.5/(0.2^2.5+Cv^2.5)]" is incomplete; more input is needed.
Syntax::sntxi: Incomplete expression; more input is needed.
Can you help me?
POSTED BY: chriskwangtun
2 Replies
You have syntax error. Replace [] with ()

And while at it, not good idea to start variables with UpperCase since these are meant for use by Mathematica

Solve[{0.00006*(0.4 + 4*6*0.4^2.5/(0.2^2.5 + 0.4^2.5)) - 11.5*10^-6 == 5*10^-6*(cv + 4*6*cv^2.5/(0.2^2.5 + cv^2.5))}, cv]

{{cv -> 0.06437393881 - 0.1981458609 I}, {cv -> 0.06437393881 + 0.1981458609 I}, {cv -> 223.2363212}, {cv -> 223.2363224}}
POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
Posted 11 years ago
thank you very much Nasser
POSTED BY: chriskwangtun
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