Hello! I am trying to calculate all the quotient groups of the D4 group. I'm using the following Mathematica function to do so:
Q = FiniteGroupData[Group, "QuotientGroups"]
Which produces
{"Trivial", {"CyclicGroup", 2}, {"DihedralGroup",
2}, {"DihedralGroup", 4}}
I found the Normal subgroups as well, by doing
r = FiniteGroupData[Group, "NormalSubgroups"];
r = DeleteDuplicates[r,
IsomorphicGraphQ[FiniteGroupData[#1, "CycleGraph"],
FiniteGroupData[#2, "CycleGraph"]] &]
and got
{{"CyclicGroup", 1}, {"CyclicGroup", 2}, {"CyclicGroup",
4}, {"DihedralGroup", 2}, {"DihedralGroup", 4}}
According to the documentation centre the possible quotient groups, are obtained by finding the quotient with respect to normal subgroups, my question is if there's a way of knowing which normal subgroup was used to get each quotient group. For example, is there a way to know that the normal subgroup used to get the quotient group D2 was C2? I haven't found any way of doing this and could use some help, please.