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Fluid Dynamic System-System Modeler: internal error

Posted 2 years ago

Hi, I was trying a learn this software, Wolfram System Modeler, by going through one of the YT videos I came across. System Modeler Fluid Dynamic System

I added all the necessary data but when I tried to validate the system its displaying the below-given error. It would be nice if anyone could help me resolve this issue. enter image description here

**Error : [7] 18:50 Validation of model Model1 Internal error: ExpressionUtil.typeof: ASUB({} of type Real, i): ExpressionUtil.unliftArrayTypeWithSubs: Nonempty subscript, but not array type. Check failed for model: Model1**

I'm a beginner and don't know much about this software. Any leads would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.


9 Replies

If all the thermodynamic relations are known then you can create a custom fluid using the following documentation (it will need some understanding of the Modelica language though):

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
Posted 2 years ago

Can we select fluid from CoolProp or RefProp? If yes, how to select them?

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Check the following thread: Status is still a work in progress.

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik

Yes, you can simulate two-phase flows but you need to create a custom Medium with the relevant thermodynamic properties.

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
Posted 2 years ago

And how to proceed with creating a separate media with relevant thermo. properties? Like, I want to declare Liquid oxygen as a Media.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

I was able to simulate the model (I did have the warnings though). The model can be found here:

Perhaps you didn't assign all the Mediums to O2.

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
Posted 2 years ago

Thanks for your help. Curious to know whether we can simulate two phase flow using cryogenic liquids? I guess liquid cryogens needs to be defined from user's end using thermodynamic properties, right?

POSTED BY: Updating Name


I think you might not have specified the nPorts for boundary and tank components. The pump element is also missing a rotational source.

I have attached a working version of the model in the following link for your reference:

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
Posted 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your help. I worked for me. I changed the media to ideal gas O2, its giving me this warning, **Warning: The function.Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPorta$pipe1$porta.Medium.T_h.Internal.solve can return without assigning the output variables xzero. Warning: Equation system in pump.V_flow and 14 other variables is too complex for checking conditional solvability that might be caused by if-expressions where the variable is only solvable in one of the branches**

Could you provide some suggestions on how to remove this warning as I cannot simulate my model?


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