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Issues with accessing Wolfram certified course

Posted 2 years ago


Since this morning, I cannot access the course "An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language" and the Wolfram Certification page. I have tried other beginner level course and they all shows "Oops! The page you're looking for can't be found." I am wondering if it is a technical issue with the website.

Thank you for your help.

POSTED BY: Kaiyang Zeng
7 Replies

Hello! We apologize for the technical issues. We are making changes to our course pages today. The URL is working:

and the Wolfram U catalog is live:

From this catalog page, you can view filtered results for certifications and more. Please check it out!

However, we continue to work on some technical issues with redirects and some specific URL's. Thank you for your patience!

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your response. Although I still cannot access the course from the provided URL, I will give another try this evening. Hopefully everything will be settled at that time.

Thank you so much for your update.

POSTED BY: Kaiyang Zeng

I am attending the webinar "introduction to linear algebra" so that I can take the certification exam at the end. However today Wolfram U is not opening the platform for me, as well.

All course links are operational. You should have access to everything you need, including the linear algebra course and all the others. Please let us know if you notice any problems. We apologize for the interruption.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson

Thank you so much for your update!

Thank you so much! However, I continue facing some technical issues with redirects and some specific URLs. Thank you for your kind response.

POSTED BY: corolaxl morven

It might be necessary to refresh your browser, Our testing indicates the earlier issues have been fixed. Please report any specific links that are not working for you to us at Thank you very much!

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson
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