Hi everyone,
Is there a way to force TimeLinePlot to display ticks and tick labels only for the dates of the events themselves? Here's an example containing an interval, Feb 1973 through May 2013, and an event occurring on a specific date, Feb 7, 2011.
data = {
Labeled[DateInterval[{{1973, 09, 01}, {2013, 05, 31}}],
"Events spans an interval"],
Labeled[{2011, 02, 07}, "Event on a specific date"]}
TimelinePlot[data, PlotLayout -> "Horizontal",
DateTicksFormat -> {"MonthNameShort", " ", "Year"},
PlotRange -> {{1970, 01, 01}, {2022, 11, 01}},
ImageSize -> {Automatic, 300}]
When I run this, I get a timeline whose ticks marks are spaced two years apart (see attached file) and labelled as such, but what I want to show is a tick mark and label only for the three dates in my data. Is there a way to do that using the Ticks option?