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Are there any jobs out there that use Mathematica?

Hello all, I have been working on technical analysis algorithms since the year 2000. As an Electrical Engineer with a Ph.D., with a specialization in signal processing and Pattern Recognition as well as 18 years of teaching Computer Science at a large University's Computer Science Department, I developed an interest in Technical Analysis {TA} of stocks and other instruments.

This interest came about when I was hired by a startup that wanted to provide trading signals. I originally thought that TA was, "Voodoo" as I called it. Well after 20 years of studying it, I have come to a more nuanced view and my role as researcher and software architect, addicted me.

I ended up writing algorithms to find all trendlines and all the associated trendline patterns (TP)(channels, triangles (ascending, descending, symmetric), flags, pennants and broadening formations. I also wrote algorithms that detect all the possible Elliott Wave Decompositions (EWD) of any stock movement and then detect the patterns formed by these EWDs. You can read about some of the patterns here

One can think of these EWs as the letters of a language and the patterns are the words. Certain words seem to be associated with certain following letters or words.

There is also a very nice mathematical framework that generalizes the recognition of trendline patterns. The patterns are simply the pairs of Support-Resistance trendlines where the confirmations of the trendlines follow certain rules. Having detected those patterns, one can be alerted of breakouts from those patterns.

As for Elliott Waves, I represent all the possible EWs created by a stock movement as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Given that representation, and all the great Graph functions like (FindIsomorphicSubgraph) introduced in Mathematica V13.0, one can now easily describe a pattern (Like a Zigzag or the ones mentioned here or a Head-and-Shoulder) as a graph. Now, by looking for isomorphic subgraphs in a larger graph one can detect every instance of a particular pattern within the movement of a stock.

One could visually see those correlations with charts, but that would be considered anecdotal evidence and I wanted more.

Now, that I can generate the trendlines and their patterns as well as the Elliott Waves and their patterns. The next step will be to use AI and Neural Networks to read all the data and see if, indeed, we can predict a stock's next likely movement of the stock.

I had first written the algorithms in C++, then converted them to C# and now am rewriting them in Mathematica. What a pleasure to work with Mathematica! And what a way to really change one's perspective on how to solve problems.

So. now, to the question. Does anyone know of any companies interested in that type of information and, in particular, companies that work with Mathematica? I was the one who helped my department get Mathematica around 2005 and I know that Mathematica is used in many Universities, but I don't know of any company that states that it uses Mathematica. It makes me wonder if there are jobs out there (outside of academia) where Mathematica is the programming language used.

At this point in my life, I would like to be able to concentrate on using Mathematica and pursue the research I have been working on, on the side for more than 20 years?

Any answer or lead would be greatly welcome.

Regards, Henrick Jeanty, Ph.D.

POSTED BY: Henrick Jeanty

Hi Henrick

Can you send me a copy of your resume? I may have something for you...

Jonathan Kinlay

POSTED BY: Jonathan Kinlay
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