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Engine + Docker + Debian + OMV : no write permission to bind mount?

Could someone explain an issue with using the Wolfram engine and permissions to have write access? I used the docker command to get an image of the engine working on my open media vault Debian system. The engine seems to function properly at the command line, except that I haven’t succeeded to figure out permissions in order to enable write access to directory given from a bind mount in the container. I’m confused because there’s only one user in the docker container and it is “wolframengine” user is not in the host system directory, so I can’t assign it to a group in the mounted directory.

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Yes, I crossposted this on stackexchange. I also found a solution to my own problem:

To get the access I wanted, I just started over again with the docker build instructions listed on the stackexchange page:

After following the "new" solution on this page, I got everything working just fine.

Incidentally, my original problem was coming from a ready-made version of the engine image on the docker hub. The stack-exchange solution entailed making one's own build, but it isn't difficult to do.

Crossposted here.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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