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InstallR error: R.DLL version does not match

Posted 1 year ago

Hi, when installing R from

InstallR["RHomeLocation" -> "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.2.1"]

I am getting this :

Error: R.DLL version does not match(DLL:4.2.1, expecting:4.1.1)

hope not to downgrade to 4.1.1



POSTED BY: Asad Kazmi
Posted 1 year ago

Apparently Mathematica needs to know explicitly about each version of R. Look at the Mathematica folder for your operating system which for me is

C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\13.1\SystemFiles\Links\RLink\SystemFiles\Libraries\Windows-x86-64

You'll see folders named 3.0.0 to 4.1.2. But no 4.2.2. All have a file named jri.dll. (Unfortunately making a copy of the 4.1.2 folder and then renaming it to 4.2.2 doesn't cut it.)

So asking Wolfram, Inc. for a 4.2.2 folder with the corresponding jri.dll or installing a copy of 4.1.2 seems to be the only immediate choice (unless there's a quick fix to an existing jri.dll file).

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
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