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How do I post a very simple Mathematica notebook to WR to publish?

I want to send this extremely simple notebook into Wolfram for possible publication. Although it is very simple (just one data point) I have been unable to find any reference that has considered the Golden Solid Angle. I cannot even begin to understand any of the reference submission stuff (sorry) but I do have a Wolfram ID (which is of no help to me).
Can anyone here tell me how to send this in, or if they are feeling particularly generous, send it in on my behalf?

POSTED BY: Greg Parker
3 Replies

The Notebook Archive could be a good place to start

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs

Jason - thank you very much!!!! Greg

POSTED BY: Greg Parker

Again - thank you very much Jason - and thank you very much Wolfram Research for finally getting my Golden Solid Angle "out there" :)–2022-12-dtu824g/

POSTED BY: Greg Parker
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