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Slider bar range in Manipulate?

I am building a manipulate out of a complicated differential equation with three time coefficients K1, k2, k3). I am having a problem with the third time coefficient (k3). My problem. I cannot figure out an appropriate value for the increment. Here is my code.

{{k3, 0.0000119, Style["k3", Blue, Bold, Medium]}, 0.00000010, 0.0000250, 0.0000000050, ControlType->Slider 

As written, my code places the slider bar knob in the middle of the range. Problem being, moving the slider does not move my graph. Not in the slightest degree. What am I doing wrong?

POSTED BY: Alan White
5 Replies

Thank you, sir. You are exactly correct. Have a nice New Year.

POSTED BY: Alan White
Posted 1 year ago

I think the effect of k3 is just too small when k3 itself is that small. If you increas the maximum of k3's range, you can start to see some effect. For example replace 0.0000250 with 0.0250 and re-evaluate the Manipulate. Now you can start to see effects when you use k3's slider.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
Posted 1 year ago

Okay, thanks for formatting that bit of the code. I went ahead and added a toy body:

 {{k3, 0.0000119, Style["k3", Blue, Bold, Medium]}, 0.00000010, 
  0.0000250, 0.0000000050 , ControlType -> Slider}]

This is working fine. So, unless there is some sublety that I'm missing because of the size of these numbers, then problem is in your actual code for the graph.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

Mister Rimbey Thanks very much for taking an interest in my problem. First, I have no idea what you mean by the phrase: "Toy Body". I'm adding a copy of my notebook. Thanks for your time and thoughtful comments.

POSTED BY: Alan White
Posted 1 year ago

Can you use the formatting tools and provide your actual code? The entire Manipulate, although if the actual body is too complicated and irrelevant to the question, then just replace that part with some toy expression.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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