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How to construct a coordinate system that owns detailed calibration ?

Posted 11 years ago

Recently,I write a program to demonstrate the forward kinematics of the SCARA robot.The code showed as below:

Using this function to construct the BigArm and SmallArm of SCARA robot.

KeywayGeometry[color_List, coordinate_List, length_, height_, radius_,
           rotation_List] := Block[
KeywayGeometryResult =
    {color[[1]], Dashed, Thick,
    Line[{coordinate - {0, 0, 2}, coordinate + {0, 0, height + 2}}],
    Line[{coordinate + {length, 0, -2}, coordinate + {length, 0, height + 2}}],
    Cylinder[{coordinate, coordinate + {0, 0, height}}, radius],
    Cuboid[coordinate - {0, radius, 0}, coordinate + {length, radius, height}],
    Cylinder[{coordinate + {length, 0, 0}, coordinate + {length, 0, height}}, radius]},
   Sequence @@ rotation

Main program

      {CoodinateSystem, ModelCoodinateSystem, Base, BaseHeight = 14,
       BigArm, BigArmLength = 35, BigArmHeight = 4, BigArmRadius = 2,
       SmallArm, SmallArmLength = 20, SmallArmHeight = 4, SmallArmRadius = 2,
       LiftMechanism, LiftMechanismHeight = 18, Wrist,px, py},
    px = BigArmLength Cos[?1] + SmallArmLength Cos[?1 + ?2];
    py = BigArmLength Sin[?1] + SmallArmLength Sin[?1 + ?2];
  CoodinateSystem =
      Sequence @@ Flatten@
      ({#1, Arrowheads[.02], Arrow[Tube[#2]]} &@@@
       {Lighter@Red, {{0, 0, 0}, {10, 0, 0}}},
       {Lighter@Green, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 10, 0}}},
       {Blue, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 10}}}
      Sequence @@ 
      (Text[Style[#1, Bold, 12, FontFamily -> Times, Italic], #2] & @@@
       {"x", {12, 0, 0}}, {"y", {0, 12, 0}}, {"z", {0, 0, 12}}
  ModelCoodinateSystem =
      Sequence @@ Flatten@
      ({#1, Arrowheads[.02], Arrow[Tube[#2]]} &@@@
       {Lighter@Red, {{0, 0, BaseHeight + BigArmHeight},
        {10, 0,BaseHeight + BigArmHeight}}},
       {Lighter@Green, {{0, 0, BaseHeight + BigArmHeight},
        {0, 10, BaseHeight +BigArmHeight}}},
       {Blue, {{0, 0, BaseHeight + BigArmHeight},
        {0, 0, 10 + BaseHeight + BigArmHeight}}}
 Base =
   RGBColor[1, .5, .5, .6],
   Cylinder[{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 2}}, 3],
   Cylinder[{{0, 0, 2}, {0, 0, BaseHeight}}, 2]
 BigArm =
     {Red, Blue}, {0, 0, BaseHeight}, BigArmLength, BigArmHeight, BigArmRadius,           
     {?1, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}];
 SmallArm =
     {Green, Purple},{BigArmLength Cos[?1], BigArmLength Sin[?1], 
     BaseHeight + BigArmHeight}, SmallArmLength, SmallArmHeight, SmallArmRadius,
     {?1 + ?2, {0, 0, 1}, {BigArmLength Cos[?1], 
      BigArmLength Sin[?1], 0}}];
  LiftMechanism =
    {{px, py, BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - d3},
    {px, py, BaseHeight + LiftMechanismHeight + BigArmHeight - d3}}, 1],
    ?1 + ?2, {0, 0, 1}, {px, py, 0}]
 Wrist =
  Flatten@({#1, Cylinder[#2, #3]} & @@@
   {Green, {{px, py, BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - d3}, {px, py, 
      BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - d3 - .5}}, 2.5},
   {Red, {{px + 2 Cos[?1 +?2 - ?4],py + 2 Sin[?1 +?2 - ?4], 
      BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - d3 - .5},
     {px + 2 Cos[?1 + ?2 - ?4], py + 2 Sin[?1 + ?2 - ?4], 
      BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - d3 - 2}}, .5},
     {{px + 2 Cos[?1 + ?2 - ?4 + ?], py + 2 Sin[?1 + ?2 - ?4 + ?], 
      BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - .5 - d3},
     {px + 2 Cos[?1 + ?2 - ?4 + ?], py + 2 Sin[?1 + ?2 -?4 + ?], 
      BaseHeight + BigArmHeight - 2 - d3}}, .5}
      Sequence @@ # & /@ 
  {CoodinateSystem, ModelCoodinateSystem, Base, BigArm, SmallArm, LiftMechanism, Wrist},
 BoxRatios -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 550, ViewPoint -> {80, -60, 15}, 
 PlotRange -> {{-60, 60}, {-60, 60}, {0, 45}}], 
 Style["SCARA Model Demostration", FontFamily -> "SketchFlowPrint",Red, 15]]
 {{?1, 20 \[Degree], "?1"}, -100 \[Degree], 100 \[Degree]},
 {{?2, 50 \[Degree], "?2"}, -150 \[Degree], 150 \[Degree]},
 {{d3, 5, "d3"}, 0, 10},
 {{?4, 20 \[Degree], "?4"}, -180 \[Degree], 180 \[Degree]},
 ControlPlacement -> Bottom, 
 FrameLabel -> Style[" The Kinematics of SCARA Robot " , FontFamily -> Times, 15,Purple]

It generrate the picture as below:


However,I want add a module that can show the position of the endeffector of SCARA robot. or help the user to read the coordinate of the endeffector.

I have a method that construct a coordinate system that owns detailed calibration.Unfortunately,I don't know how to write the code

POSTED BY: shutao tang

If your method is simple and the code needed is small, feel free to explain the method here.

If the work to do is big, as in many hours for an experienced Wolfram Language programmer, you might be interested in Technical Services paid assistance.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
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