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[Solved] DegreesRankine Unit Type in 13.2

Posted 2 years ago

Just installed 13.2 and it broke one of my packages that deals with units. Some exploration shows that the enhancements to the "Difference" units is causing an issue with "DegreesRankine", which is now being treated as a "Difference" unit and not an Absolute unit, based on the error messages received in the Notebook below.

These UnitConvert errors/warnings are not thrown in version 13.1 and they may point to an underlying issue in 13.2 that is now causing my package unit conversions to fail. Am I understanding these error messages correctly? Anyone else noticing this?

POSTED BY: Jeffery Henning
2 Replies

This is definitely bad behavior on the part of UnitConvert, which is mistaking DegreesRankine for a temperature difference unit since it has a fundamental zero value at absolute zero, and a non-zero unit scale (which is what temperature difference units have, but that combination is not exclusive to those units).

I can confirm that this bug has been reported to the relevant developers and an update should be forthcoming to resolve the issue. In the meantime, if you need a work-around setting the following should resolve the warning message and restore the expected behavior for you:

QuantityUnits`Private`hasNonZeroTempUnitQ["DegreesRankine"] = True;
POSTED BY: Nick Lariviere

This did the trick. Thanks! I can easily put this in my package initialization if 13.2 is detected.

POSTED BY: Jeffery Henning
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