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Additional colorbar for a plot? UPD


Assume I have a 2D function Vel[x, z] (say, velocity distribution in the geological medium) and a set of points Xi = {x1, x1, ...}, Zi = {z1, z1, ...} with some scalar measurements Fi = {f[x1, z1], f[x2, z2], ...} for each of them. I would like to visualize the spatial distribution of the measurements as a scatter plot with the velocity model as a background. Unfortunately, there's no function like ScatterPlot in the WL, but I managed to do what I want and obtained the following plot: enter image description here

Here high values of Fi correspond to red points whereas low values correspond to white points.

My question is: how can I add an additional colorbar for the "white-red" colorscale? Thank you in advance!

UPD: a code sample generating the image above:

POSTED BY: Nikolay Shilov
2 Replies

Please Edit your post and provide your Wolfram Language code. This will make it easier for other members to help you.

Check several methods available to include your code in the rules

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

Thank you for your suggestion!

POSTED BY: Nikolay Shilov
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