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Unfriendly UI in Wolfram|Alpha online for the visually impaired

Posted 2 years ago


I should begin by stating that this may not be the correct group to post in, I couldn't find a more suitable one but am open to suggestions for correcting this.

I am making this discussion to talk about the "enlarge" feature for certain output fields in the Wolfram|Alpha online tool being locked behind a paywall. Not only that, but when manually zooming in, the text will not upscale in resolution to make it more readable. I understand that every business has a bottom line and that in order to continue to provide a fantastic service, some features must locked behind a paywall, but I feel as though doing this to the "enlarge" feature is a clear oversight to the visually impaired. I understand that for some output fields, this feature provides more than just the ability to zoom in, so I feel as though an appropriate resolution to make the UI more user friendly would be to ensure that text in output fields will upscale when zoomed into, just like text in any other field does.

Feedback on my suggestion is much appreciated, hopefully this post meets the right people.

POSTED BY: Samuel Leo

Dear Samuel Leo,

There is different way to magnify content. Here are the steps:

  1. Sign into Wolfram|Alpha with your Wolfram ID
  2. Click person icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Preferences”
  4. In “Result Text Font Size” choose “Large"

Thank you for your feedback. It was passed to our teams for evaluation. Please, also consider contacting Wolfram Support with any such issues at as this is a direct channel to Wolfram representatives. We regret any inconveniences you might have experienced.

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