Hi David,
GaussianFilter is a standard smoothing method for data lists. Its the discrete version of smoothing a function with a moving average produced by the convolution of a piecewise continuous function with a Gaussian kernel ~ Exp[-x^2/sigma] of the normal distributiion.
Smoothing an Interpolation With a Gaussian Filter
This is a noisy data set from x|->(x/3)^2 Sin[2[Pi] x/22].
noisyf =
Array[({#, (#/3.0)^2 Sin[2 \[Pi] #/22] + 3.5 # RandomReal[] } &), {56}, 0];
ListPlot[noisyf ]
The data set is smoothed
smoothf[s] =
(Transpose[ {#[[1]], GaussianFilter[#[[2]], s] }] &)[Transpose[noisyf]];
Show[{ ListPlot[noisyf , PlotStyle -> {Red, Opacity[0.5]}, Joined -> True],
ListPlot[smoothf[n], PlotStyle -> {Blue}, Joined -> True]}],
{n, Range[0, 7, 0.5]}]
Regards Roland