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Wolfram Quantum Framework: IBM-quantum service connect

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POSTED BY: Mads Bahrami
4 Replies

Thanks Mads

This presents a problem . The WQF paclet has no backward compatibility . I have worked around this by running my WQF files on the cloud . Now that the IBM-quantum service connect does not run on the Cloud I am stumped .

I have an earlier version of Mathematica ( ) and It seems the WQF paclet is only compatible with the current version of Mathematica 13.2.1.


I am using Mathematica version and I think it stopped using the newer versions of the paclet at 1.03 . Is it possible to make the paclet more backward compatible .

I get the following warning when I try to download the latest version of paclet

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Hey Doug. Yes, it is not supported on Cloud yet. Note that for qiskit, one does need Py

POSTED BY: Mads Bahrami

Hi Mads

I am trying this out in the cloud but get an error "External Sessions:-
:External Sessions is not supported in the Wolfram Cloud."

Is this correct?

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POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

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