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Session Memory for various service levels

Posted 11 years ago

On we see the different available packages with some numbers related to these. I can see that my beta access has currently a limit of session memory of: Session Memory : 1024 MB

What are the session limits for the commercial packages, especially, Developer, Producer and Team?

POSTED BY: Ulrich Arndt
4 Replies

If you look at the section "BY THE NUMBERS", you will see an Expand button. Clicking on that should give this information.

POSTED BY: Jesus Hernandez
Posted 11 years ago

Thanks - thats what I was looking for. Where 2GB will limit the ability to do larger computations. Is there a plan to give possibilities to get more memory?

POSTED BY: Ulrich Arndt

If you are looking for something different than the given configurations, a Private Cloud (which is fully customizable) is certainly an option.

POSTED BY: Jesus Hernandez
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