I'm trying to use Mathematica to get some estimates on temperature changes caused by a heating sphere, but I'm having trouble getting my integrals to work out. On one I receive an error stating
"NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 \ recursive bisections in y near {y} = {0.}. NIntegrate obtained \ 2.1733836446519685*^12 and 2.1623442093769382
*^12 for the integral \ and error estimates. "
On another is says
NIntegrate::izero: Integral and error estimates are 0 on all integration subregions. Try increasing the value of the MinRecursion option. If value of integral may be 0, specify a finite value for the AccuracyGoal option. >>
I'm rather new to Mathematica, and I'm not sure how to approach problem solving this. Can anyone give some suggestions?
I've attached the relevant notebook file,