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NDSolve: Unable to find initial conditions

Posted 2 years ago

@ZSeong Hwang Your posting has no reply window.

In your equations an initial condition for theta'[0] seems to be missing

POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
5 Replies

Your initial conditions are not compatible with eq1

(eq1 /. t -> 0) /. {alpha[0] -> \[Pi]/2, psi[0] -> 0, 
  theta[0] -> 0, Derivative[1][alpha][0] -> 1, 
  Derivative[1][psi][0] -> 1, Derivative[1][theta][0] -> 1/2}


Your system has no solution.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 2 years ago
Parameter fixing

L = 0.001;
d = 0.001;
l = 0.001;
B = 0.1;
M = 0.001;
k = 1;
R = 0.001;
g = 10;
rx0 = L/2;
rz0 = L/2 + d + l/2;
r0 = Sqrt[rx0^2 + rz0^2];
A0 = -rz0 rx0;
Fz0 = B/r0^5 (rx0 - 2 rz0 + 5 A0/r0^2 rz0);

Spherical coordinates by time dependent angles

rx = L/2 Sin[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]];
ry = L/2 Sin[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]];
rz = L/2 Cos[alpha[t]] + d + l/2;
r = Sqrt[rx^2 + ry^2 + rz^2];

 A spherical coordinate tensor A of rank 2 and a vector F

In[18]:= A = (rx^2 + ry^2) Cos[alpha[t]] - ry rz Sin[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] - 
   rz rx Sin[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]];
Fx = B/r^5 (-4 rx Cos[alpha[t]] + rz Sin[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]] + 5 A/r^2 rx);
Fy = B/r^5 (-4 ry Cos[alpha[t]] + rz Sin[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] + 5 A/r^2 ry);
Fz = B/r^5 (ry Sin[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] + rx Sin[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]] - 
     2 rz Cos[alpha[t]] + 5 A/r^2 rz);

Three equations  of  of second order for alpha , theta of the form    

D{rx, ry, rz},t,t]== Fx + fs + Nf

In[48]:= D[rx, t, t] /. {_?NumericQ :> 1} // FullSimplify

Out[48]= Sin[alpha[t]] (Cos[psi[t]] + Sin[psi[t]]) Derivative[1][psi][t] + 
   t] (Cos[psi[t]] (Cos[alpha[t]] + Sin[alpha[t]]) + 
    Cos[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] Derivative[1][psi][t])

In[46]:= eq1 = M L/
     2 (alpha''[t] Cos[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]] - 
      psi''[t] Sin[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] - (alpha'[t]^2 + psi'[t]^2) Sin[
        alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]] - 
      2 alpha'[t] psi'[t] Cos[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]]) == 
   Fx + (fs[t] + k Nf[t] theta'[t]) Sin[psi[t]];

eq2 = M L/
     2 (alpha''[t] Cos[alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] + 
      psi''[t] Sin[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]] - (alpha'[t]^2 + psi'[t]^2) Sin[
        alpha[t]] Sin[psi[t]] + 
      2 alpha'[t] psi'[t] Cos[alpha[t]] Cos[psi[t]]) == 
   Fy - (fs[t] + k Nf[t] theta'[t]) Cos[psi[t]];

eq3 = M R (alpha''[t] Cos[alpha[t]] - alpha'[t]^2 Sin[alpha[t]]) - 
    M L/2 (alpha''[t] Sin[alpha[t]] + alpha'[t]^2 Cos[alpha[t]]) == 
   Fz + M g + Nf[t];

One algebraic constraint for two unknown functions  Nf and fs, once theta is known

eq4 = theta''[t] - 2 k Nf[t]/(M R) theta'[t] - 2 fs[t]/(M R) == 0;

One  algebraic equation for alpha, once theta and psi are known

eq5 = L/2 Sin[alpha[t]] psi'[t] - R theta'[t] == 0;

Any differential equation  for Nf  and fs  is missing ,  so the given values at one point are void, the system is indefinite with respect to Nf and fs. On the other hand  eq5 is a constraint to the second order system {alpha, psi, theta} . So the system is over-under-determined, an error that NDSolve seems to be unable to detect.

In[37]:= soln = nDSolve[{eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, alpha[0] == Pi/2, alpha'[0] == 1, 
   theta[0] == 0, theta'[0] == 1/2, psi[0] == 0, psi'[0] == 1, 
   Nf[0] == -Fz0 - M g, Nf'[0] == 1, fs[0] == 0, fs'[0] == 1}, {alpha[t], 
   theta[t], psi[t], Nf[t], fs[t]}, {t, 0, 10}]


Roland Franzius

POSTED BY: Updating Name

To make your notebook readable and tractable, put a semicolon ; behind each setting line and break the commands into different input cells.

Its is too time consuming, if for checking for syntax errors the notebook has to be edited beforehand.


POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
Posted 2 years ago

Hello Roland. I put initial condition for theta dot. But still not working.

POSTED BY: David Hwang
Posted 2 years ago

The reason for the message NDSolve::pdord is that you do not specify differential equations for Nf[t] and fs[t]. So we are only dealing with arbitrary predefined functions Nf[t] and fs[t] with given values and derivatives at t = 0.

How is this supposed to be numerically solvable?

I think your problem is not yet sufficiently specified.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
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