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How to turn off Internal self-test in Mathematica ?

Posted 1 year ago

I've looked for this in Preferences but perhaps missed it. Is it possible to turn self-test off?

The problem I've encountered is possibly rare. In a notebook I have a cell containing formatted text. The style for the cell is Subsubsection but it also includes widgets from Palettes ⤑ Basic Math Assistant ⤑ Typesetting. The primary one is an arrow with before, after, and above blocks. Within the before and after blocks I have placed columnar blocks, and within those Text. The problem only occurs when I select some or all of the text in any of the left-hand blocks. Editing (insert, delete single characters) works fine. Upon selection though, the Messages dialog pops-up and the entire session freezes for hours with no recovery. My work-around is to kill the process and restart Mathematica.

Here's an example notebook:

POSTED BY: Richard Frost
5 Replies

I reproduced the problem and put together a fix for it that should land in 13.3.

In the mean time, you might be able to avoid the problem by selecting the cell, doing Format->Clear Formatting (which will destructively remove your styling information) and reapplying the styles. It's the way the styles are structured that is leading to the problems, and if you apply them afresh, you might be able to avoid the issue.

POSTED BY: John Fultz

Please attach an example notebook to help members reproduce the issue.



POSTED BY: Richard Frost

I can reproduce the issue on "13.2.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (November 18, 2022)" by selecting the text "Names, Aliases, & Types;". However, there is no freeze. I clicked on "Click here" in the message and it took me to a form to report the issue, which I did.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 1 year ago

I can reproduce the problem on Windows 11. Both with MMA versions 12.3 and 13.2.

On selection of the text, as described above, a blank Message window pops up. Mathematica does not respond any more. Can not be closed in the normal way, has to be killed via Task Manager.

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
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