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Simple algebraic equations take too long to solve

Posted 1 year ago

I have been trying to solve these following equations to calculate the value of u and v. but it is taking forever to solve. Kindly look into this.

Thank you

POSTED BY: Shruti Monga
7 Replies

In your case is Sextic equation ,Solve give you solution by Root function.I used Eliminate, because Solve hangs up.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

A 1 hour computation then I Aborted.

I have simplified version see attached file.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 1 year ago

Thank you for replying. that's really helpful

POSTED BY: Shruti Monga
Posted 1 year ago

Hii Mariusz... how long did it take so solve this. In my case its been more than 8 hours and it is still running.

POSTED BY: Shruti Monga
Posted 1 year ago

Thankyou for your kind reply. That's really helpful

POSTED BY: Shruti Monga
Posted 1 year ago

Hi Thanks everybody to take part into this discussion, I am also facing the same problem. Solve command taking too much time. Couple of times, mathematica kernel also quite. How to avoid this problem

POSTED BY: Bilal Raza

You replaced N -> n, but n was already a parameter.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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