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Why is there such a strong correlation between magnetic and inertial moment

Posted 1 year ago

With the exception of the two planets that have retrograde rotation, the planets (including Ganymede) line up almost perfectly on a scatter between the magnetic and inertial moments. This includes Saturn's anomalous alignment between magnetic axis and rotational axis, which has required some post-hoc theorizing. Occam's Razor, however, would indicate that it is the inertial moment, and not other variables, that accounts for the magnetic moment -- with something quite exceptional going on with the retrograde rotation planets: Venus and Mars.

While I can quite understand why it would be that inertial moment would drive whatever planetary dynamo might be in operation, it does seem rather strange that the other components contributing to the magnetic moment would take on values so as to coincidentally line up the inertial moment with the magnetic moment. It is also rather strange that both retrograde planets, just "coincidentally" are in a completely different distribution.

What if anything explains these "coincidences"?

PS: Upon further research I discovered this correlation is known as “magnetic Bode’s law”. The conventional explanation for the points on the line is that it is a spurious correlation. However, it sticks in my craw that the two retrograde planets, Venus and Mars, are not part of this “spurious” correlation.

POSTED BY: James Bowery
2 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

A striking correlation has been noted between planet's magnetic and inertial moments. One possible explanation for this relationship could be that dynamo action, responsible for creating the planet's magnetic field, is closely tied to its rotation. A dynamo is an energy-producing machine that generates magnetic energy by moving electrically conducting fluid such as molten iron in its core. As the planet rotates, so too does this fluid within its core which further amplifies its magnetism.

The magnetic field produced by a dynamo is determined by the planet's rate of fluid motion, which in turn depends on its moment of inertia. The larger this number is, the slower its rotation and weaker its core fluid motion - leading to weaker magnetic fields.

Conversely, the magnetic moment of a planet is determined by both its strength of magnetic field and size. A larger field results in larger magnetic moments; on the contrary, weaker magnets caused by increased inertia would result in smaller magnetisms.

Your data clearly illustrates the correlation between planet's magnetic and inertial moments, with some exceptions such as Venus' and Mars' retrograde rotation which may explain their anomalous magnetic fields.

In conclusion, the relationship between planet's magnetic and inertial moments can be explained by the connection between their rotation, fluid motion in their core, and the generated magnetic field.

POSTED BY: Revida Marcos

Hello James,

On the time scale of time 10^9 y and distance 1 ly, the planets are viscous liquid droplets moving on their orbits around the sun in a planar radial gravitational force field 1/r^2 and a magnetic dipole field with its axis on the orbit parallel to the dipole axis the sun.

In the radial vicinity near the static orbit, the radial gravitational field is the field of an harmonic oscillator. All external forces induce vibrations where only the lowest frequencies induce continuous, ever lasting vibrations.

The higher-frequency parts die out exponentially through the diffusion of the angular momentum via the pair interaction in the planetary system, the energy via the internal viscosity and by thermal electromagnetic radiation.

Seen as a problem of long time intervall random time observation, that is observing slow motion nearly constant observalbles only, the planetary system mimics a quantum system of light spin-droplet systems moving in nearly circular orbits around a stationary heavy nucleus.

The orbits in a potential -1/r + L^2/r^2 are orbits of minimum energy. The orbits becom circular by angular momentum diffusion via pair scattering. They constitute the known long-term stable configuration with a stable radial harmonic series.

From the algebraic similarity to an atomic system, we know that in planar radial coordinates, the spectral eigenstate system consists of radial oscillator states around the orbit, with spin-spin coupling.

For particles with spin 1/2, electrons, the coupling of spin angular momentum and magnetic moment is 100%, i.e. 2* ( spin 1/2 + orbital angular momentum) is the integer ladder of the square of the total angular momentum (L +1/2 s)^2 with the 2-axis moment 2 m varying in the odd integers -2L-1 , 2L+1.

Now we get to the point: the paraxial moment, parallel to the Sun's external field on the orbit, gives rise to a series of oscillator states, with the series of eigenstates being the positive integer ladder to infinity for spin and angular momentum parallel.

If the spin orbit is antiparallel, the ladder is finite up to the value where the total angular momentum is zero. A particle with a retrograde spin greater than the orbital angular momentum is an impossible state in quantum mechanics. In mechanics, it will likely spread the liquid droplet over the orbit, in other words, in a local rotating system, the centrifugal forces exceed the oscillatory forces that keep the liquid droplet on its orbit.

These considerations may seem a little "philosophical", but they rest on some rock-solid foundations: the Fourier analysis of orbital motion introduced by Gauss for the Moon's orbit, the second law of thermodynamics of energy diffusion in any Hamiltonian degree of freedom, and finally the 1-electron system in 2-dimensional systems with a 1-form A magnetic potential producing a 2-form F magnetic force.

Albeverio had developed these ideas of similarity between quantum and stochastic systems in the 1970ties.

The 2d systems have been an intense subject of research since von Klitzing's observation of the quantum Hall effect in the interface of planar epitaxial semiconductors, which has the rigid identity of electric charge, spin, and orbital magnetic field and the integer energy, spin-orbit, angular momentum, and oscillator ladders of eigenstates, such that now units of electric charge and Bohr magnetons are now expressed by the steps of the integer quantum Hall resistance (and the Josephson voltage).

Apologies for attempting a compression of about four or more Advanced Mathematical Physics courses. But I think there is no explanation on a simpler scale of ideas.

Disclaimer: This text has been written in English, translatwd into German and back into English by, thanks, and as such is an GPT-lectored original text by Roland Franzius.

Kind regards, Roland Franzius

POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
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