It looks like your expression is big enough that it may exceed the buffer size inside WA.
I tried entering a slightly simplified version of your problem
solve s=(b/z+cz)/(a+b/z+cz+d), a=r+(iwl)/(iwm), d=a, c=1/(iwm) for s
WA page for this
and it seems like WA understood that.
Then I tried a second step where I inserted the value for b, that I left out of the first step, into the result provided by the first step.
WA page for this
It looks like it was just barely able to fit into the buffer and WA was able to understand that and gave a solution for s.
If in the second step I instead I tried "solve s=..." from the first step followed by "b=..." then again it didn't appear that it would fit and WA was not able to understand that.
For larger problems, trying to find a way to successfully break a large problem into smaller steps has been very useful in the past.
You just need, as always, to be very careful to check that the results are correct.