Thanks for the quick and clear responses. I think I have 3 of 4 items down OK. As far as directory set, I figured out that I need to use forward slash(/) in path definitions and not the backslash(), which gets interpreted as an ESC as you noted. In my case "D:/temp" works as input to Mathematica, while the std windows form is "D:\temp. I notice that the echoed return value is the std windows form.
I tried the transpose form you suggested, but it didn't work for me. See attached jpg of program and resulting csv output.
I set up a two-row numeric matrix with m1 = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}.
Then using Export["test_num2.csv", m1], created the following:
as expected.
Using Export["test_num2T.csv", Transpose[m1]] results in a file with
This is good. What I don't know how to do is to have a variable 'forget' its history. I tried a simple example:
I expect qn to be a 10 decimal approximation to pi, a finite decimal and nothing more. Evaluating N[qn,10] and N[qn,20] give identical 10-digit results. qn is no longer pi, but a finite approx.Yeah!
However, in the attached example, the line xn = N[Column[x/50], 20] does not seem to create a set of specific approximate decimal numbers, but seems to maintain its embedded history. How to fix so that the exported entries are as displayed in xn?