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Wolfram Alpha step-by-step solution into LaTeX or MathML format(s)

To convert mathematical step-by-step solutions into either LaTeX or MathML so that a student I am mentoring at Ohio State School for the Blind can access step-by-step solutions and learn from them.

If anyone is so motivated, I'd really enjoy talking with a subject-matter expert in this field.

Is there anyone out there that might be willing to reach their hand out to meet mine in the spirit of making Alpha pro accessible to students with disabilities?

Thank you, in advance, for any consideration given to this request.

POSTED BY: Steve Jacobs

For LaTeX there are LaTeX-to-Braille converters available for LaTeX math into Nemeth Braille, a Braille code for mathematics. For MathML, there are MathML-to-Braille converters as well.

In addition, screen reader software like NVDA or JAWS can read MathML when used with a compatible web browser.

Best Regards, Thanasis

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