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How do I create graphics with all symbols rendered in LaTeX fonts?

Posted 1 year ago

This seems like something that should have been made possible long ago. Ideally, I would like to be able to add the following general option when generating graphics:

Graphics[ ... 2D objects with Text[ ... ] for embedded math symbols ... , SymbolStyle->{"LaTeX",12}]

Graphics3D[ ... 3D objects with Text[ ... ] for embedded math symbols ... , SymbolStyle->{"LaTeX",12}]

ListPlot[ ... , AxesLabel->{"x", "y"}, SymbolStyle->{"LaTeX",12}]


The idea is that every symbol, including the numbers along axes in a plot, etc., look exactly like they do in my LaTeX document, and I can control of the absolute font size. Is this possible?

I know about MaTeX and have used it with mixed results. I would have expected a Wolfram solution by now.

POSTED BY: Veit Elser

I myself use the option BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"} to get LaTeX-looking numbers and letters in my plots. Some symbols will be taken from Mathematica fonts, I am afraid.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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