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A program to create new geometry proof problems

Posted 1 year ago

POSTED BY: Philip Todd
5 Replies

Actually you did it right first time. The attached notebook has been updated after your comment to contain the full code similar to the post.

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna

ok, I see. I had downloaded the notebook linked in the blue box, "Attachments: DOWLOAD-DESKTOP-...nb"

what I needed to do was click on the link above that, labeled "Get this Notebook", which contains a similar nb called 147167611.nb

kind of confusing. not sure if that was intended

POSTED BY: Peter Barendse

Hi Peter, the code is in initialization cell at the end of the post. You can download the notebook from the attachments to evaluate the code.

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna

Lovely work. It doesn't look like there's any code in the attached nb, though. Could you perhaps try attaching it again? I'd love to play with it. Thanks

POSTED BY: Peter Barendse

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