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Applying transformation to the plot as well as the GridLines?

Posted 1 year ago
Given a simple Plot[x, {x, -1, 1} GridLines->Automatic]

is there a way to apply transformation to the plot as well as the GridLines? For example

Plot[x, {x, -1, 1}, GridLines->Automatic]/.L_Line:>GeometricTransformation[L, ShearingTransform[Pi/4, {1,0}, {0,1}]]

will transform the plot but not the GridLines. Can the GridLines also be transformed?

POSTED BY: Jon Joseph
3 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

Thanks to both. Never heard of either of those functions.

POSTED BY: Jon Joseph
Posted 1 year ago

Try this:

p = Plot[x, {x, -1, 1}, GridLines -> Automatic];


enter image description here

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Here is an attempt with FullGraphics, a very old function:

fg = FullGraphics[Plot[x, {x, -1, 1},
    GridLines -> Automatic]]
  ShearingTransform[Pi/4, {1, 0}, {0, 1}]]]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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