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Unknown option PlotHighlighting in Mathematica 13.3

Posted 1 year ago


There is PlotHighlighting option in Plot in Mathematica 13.3 and it can be found in local documentation:

enter image description here

However, when this option is input, there is an error:

Plot::optx: Unknown option PlotHighlighting->Placed[Dropline,6] in Plot[{Sin[x]+x/2,Sin[x]+x},{x,0,10},Filling->{1->{2}},PlotHighlighting->Placed[Dropline,6]].

The original code is:

Plot[{Sin[x] + x/2, Sin[x] + x}, {x, 0, 10}, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}, 
 PlotHighlighting -> Placed["Dropline", 6]]

What causes the option of PlotHighlighting not working?


POSTED BY: Zhenyu Zeng
6 Replies

Issues strictly specific to your personal set up are better resolved by contacting support. Please contact them directly at

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna

I have installed Mathematica 13.3 on my Workstation by first uninstalling version 13.2.1 and got the error. Then I reinstall Windows 10 and 11 (clean install) on both my laptops and the error doesn't go away

POSTED BY: Dennis La Cotera
Posted 1 year ago

Download MMA 13.3 from the site, and the problem will no longer exit. Try it.

POSTED BY: Zhenyu Zeng

No. I reinstalled Windows 10 and 11 (clean install) on two laptops and then installed Mathematica 13.3. The error remains for me.

POSTED BY: Dennis La Cotera
Posted 1 year ago

After reinstalling the MMA 13.3, the problem is missing. Maybe the remains left from MMA 13.2 cause this.

POSTED BY: Zhenyu Zeng

It is working fine for me

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna
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