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Set default Chat-Notebook Model to something other than base gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4?

Try as I might in digging through the LLM documentation, paclets and libraries for the LLMfunctionality and the chatnotebook stuff... i cannot find where I can change the default and/or the options of the Chat-enabled or Chat-Driven notebooks to use other models than the gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4.... in the UI specifically... on the chat bubble menu...

I know how to do this programmatically when using LLMConfiguration and what note... but i really want the default setting to gpt-4-32k... and to be able to add more model options to that chat bubble UI.

enter image description here

8 Replies

At the moment GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 are all you can choose from in v13.3. But if you look in the app's Settings/AI Settings you'll see that support for Claude and Bard are on their way.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Arno Bosse

@David Reiss

Hi David! by chance can you tell me the secret per my note above?

ya. i mean we already use Palm/bard with the LLMfunctions and PalmLink paclet in the paclet repository.

but there is a way to set the GPT based models... i just don't know the location that the front end is pulling it from.

AFIK, gpt-4-32k is not currently supported by OpenAI's API. I'd love to have it but alas... My custom API calling code has the body of the HTTPRepsonse from a URLRead, the following:

    \"error\": {
        \"message\": \"The model: `gpt-4-32k` does not exist\",
        \"type\": \"invalid_request_error\",
        \"param\": null,
        \"code\": \"model_not_found\"
POSTED BY: David Reiss

yes, you have to have access to it :). so if one does... one would very much like to set it as my default as many things one does in a Chatnotebook far exceeds 4-8k in tokens. :)

Thanks for checking on it!

Hi Russ, long time since we worked on our Wolfram Solutions project together -- I still have all the code ;).

In the Wolfram solutions group, we have been working on quite a number of different demonstrations of how to use LLM's's in a variety of ways. One offshoot of that that I put out publicly on the paclet repository is this:


And in that paclet all the code is available -- including a custom GPT API calling function, so one can poke around in the code to see how I managed to do things,

And an offshoot of the various custom functions for directly creating chatbooks is this little bit of code that I pulled out of one of my other demonstration projects:


       StyleDefinitions -> "Chatbook.nb",
       TaggingRules ->
           "ChatNotebookSettings" -> 
                  "Model" -> model,
                  "LLMEvaluator" -> persona,
                  "Assistance" -> True,
                  "ChatDrivenNotebook" -> True

If you execute it with, say,

createAChatbook["PlainChat", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"]

or this

createAChatbook["PlainChat", "gpt-4"]

it should work (it does for me ;-) as I have a gpt-4 enabled api key ).

If you try

createAChatbook["PlainChat", "gpt-4-32k"]

OpenAI will yell back at you.

Anyway, that bit of code may be helpful to folks when trying to programmatically create a chatbook. I actually don't know what the official code is within the chat book paclet that generates ChatBooks from the menu, so the approach in a bit of code that I have above may or may not processed overtime. But it's fun to play with.

And some of the options that I have in there may or may not work correctly (e.g. "ChatDrivenNotebook") but you can experiment...

POSTED BY: David Reiss

oh this works very nicely! thank you for this.

that project we did together was so lovely and good. i also have some version of the code. one day, perhaps, i will revisit some of those concepts!

looks like in this latest paclet update the bigger models are available in the chatbook menu now

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