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[WSRP23] Building interpreters for esoteric programming languages

Posted 1 year ago

Hello World in Piet

POSTED BY: Mich Obia
2 Replies

Since BrainFuck is used in Computational Life: How Well-formed, Self-replicating Programs Emerge from Simple Interaction—highlighted in a recent YouTube video by Sabine Hossenfelder: Random Code Can Learn to Self-Replicate, New Study Finds—I thought that you might be interested in this paper.

From the abstract:

We show that when random, non self-replicating programs are placed in an environment lacking any explicit fitness landscape, self-replicators tend to arise. We demonstrate how this occurs due to random interactions and self-modification, and can happen with and without background random mutations. We also show how increasingly complex dynamics continue to emerge following the rise of self-replicators.

And, surprisingly,

Finally, we show a counterexample of a minimalistic programming language where self-replicators are possible, but so far have not been observed to arise.

POSTED BY: Paul Abbott

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