I'm having trouble getting buttons to work when deployed to the cloud and would appreciate any advice. This simple example works as anticipated when run in the local notebook, it simply generates a 3-column grid and pressing the button in the 3rd column will print the associated values for the first two columns in that row:
myGrid := Module[{t,f},
t = Table[{x, RandomWord[], RandomInteger[10]}, {x, 1, 10}];
f[y_] := Print@t[[y]][[2 ;; 3]];
Grid[{#[[2]], #[[3]], Button["Select", f[#[[1]]]]} & /@ t,
Frame -> All]
However, when deployed to the cloud using:
the expected grid gets generated but the buttons fail to print the rows. Perhaps I'm not deploying this correctly and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!