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What is the limit of requests in a chat-notebook?

Hi there!

I have been enjoying using the new chat-enabled notebook. Great tool!
Unfortunately, I am getting the following error.


I have looked into my license settings, but i could not find a place where that limit is established. Can some one help??


4 Replies

Most likely, this is not a property of a chat, book, per se, but rather the rate limits imposed by open AI on its API:

OpenAI rate limits

It could come, of course, be something else, but this is the first thing I would think of.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Thanks David!

So, this raises several questions! Is there a way Mathematica would now I have a ChatGPT Plus Subscription with a wider rate limit? Does the Mathematica plug-in has also rate limits?

Thanks again!


I believe that the permissions (e.g. gpt-4 enablement, etc... and rate limits are just attached to your OpenAI API key which itself is for your particular account at OpenAI. Mathematica, I believe, is not acting as a gatekeeper other than to put in your OpenAI API key into a secure location to use. Others at Wolfram can confirm or advise (I work at wolfram but am not currently working on the parts that have to do with OpenAI permissions -- though I am working on LLMs n various ways: so I am just "guessing" on this)

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Thanks David! I will be reading more about it.


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