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The option PlotRange -> {0,200} produces a vertical range of only 0 to 80

Posted 1 year ago

II am using Plot3D to visualise a complicated surface. The parameters are c and t (t is an angle in degrees).The surface consists of recurring peaks. The highest peak occurs at tan t = 0,5 and c=- 0. So far so good. Bur this highest peak should be 200 units high. Yet it appears much shorter. Why? i have (I think) suppressed the check for machine underflow. Please help. Many thanks. Bob Frenkel. Email is One attachment

POSTED BY: bob frenkel
2 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

I think this is a sampling issue. You can look at the PlotPoints options (for example, try PlotPoints->100). Also, you don't really need all of the N[...,$MachinePrecision] functions. Every time you have a number with a decimal point (e.g. the various 0.5 and 1.0 and so forth), that whole expression will already be at machine precision.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

Many thanks Eric. I put :PlorPoints -> 100 and PlotRange->{0,200} and the output is what I expected. Also I removed the needless machine precision statements, as you recommended. All best wishes

Bob Frenkel.

POSTED BY: bob frenkel
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