I was able to reproduce the bug. Just restart your kernel and evaluate the following commands exactly as they are (will take a minute or two). The problem seems to be related to my usage of the protected symbol E as a local variable in a Block because if I replace all ocurrences of E in the definition of fSailIntersection with, say F, I get correct results. FullSimplify seems to have some sort of cache where it stores previous results and this gets corrupted by the evaluation of the code below. Still a serious bug imo.
fOmega[d_] := If[MemberQ[{1, 2}, d], {0, Sqrt[d]}, {1/2, Sqrt[d]/2}];
ZI = fSailIntersection[2, Z]
ZI = fSailIntersection[2, Z]
fSailTestLessEqual[2,{-4,-2},{1,3},{5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558,(12 Sqrt[2])/19-1/19 Sqrt[-206+570 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)-361 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)^2]}]
FullSimplify[24<=(-20+24 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558))^2+(-8 Sqrt[2]+24 ((12 Sqrt[2])/19-1/19 Sqrt[-206+570 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)-361 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)^2]))^2]
Simplify[24<=(-20+24 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558))^2+(-8 Sqrt[2]+24 ((12 Sqrt[2])/19-1/19 Sqrt[-206+570 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)-361 (5065/6232-(17 Sqrt[101/6])/1558)^2]))^2]
FullSimplify[5916+5 Sqrt[606]>=Sqrt[6 (5835701+9860 Sqrt[606])]]
That's interesting. I restarted the kernel and now I also get the correct result. I will try to reproduce the error.
I get the correct answer (True) in both and (Windows 7) with the same warning as above.
It is generally a good idea to upgrade to the latest bugfix release of whichever version you have ... with Mathematica 8.0.4 I get True with the warning that
N::meprec: "Internal precision limit $MaxExtraPrecision = 50.` reached while evaluating 5916+5\ Sqrt[606]-Sqrt[6\(5835701+9860\Sqrt[606])]."
5916 + 5 Sqrt[606] - Sqrt[6 (5835701 + 9860 Sqrt[606])] // FullSimplify gives 0 .