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Export to USD not working?

Posted 9 months ago

Hello everyone,

I was excited to see in the 13.3 release notes that: "Added support for the "USD" and "GLTF" AR formats for mobile devices." I'm able to export GLTF, but not to USD. I always get an "MeshRegion/Graphics3D cannot be exported to the USD format" error.

I'm not sure if this feature is not yet implemented, is broken, or needs to be enabled somehow.

Has anyone been able to successfully export a 3D object to a USD file?

All the best, ~Michael Harrison

POSTED BY: Michael Harrison

As is the way of the universe, the moment I click "post" I stumble upon a possible explanation. When I try to use the new ARPublish function, I'm told "ARPublish is not yet available on Windows."

Since ARPublish uses USD / GLTF under the hood, this suggests it's an iOS feature for now. Given the push from Apple for their upcoming Vision Pro, this feature is probably leveraging visionOS.


POSTED BY: Michael Harrison
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