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How can I use GitHub as a paclet server?

Posted 1 year ago

I want to use GitHub as a paclet server, but this fails:

 "Site" -> "https:/"

PacletSiteUpdate::err: An error occurred attempting to update paclet information from site https:/ Does not appear to be a valid paclet site

PacletInstall::notavail: No paclet named ServiceConnection_StackExchange is available for download from any currently enabled paclet sites.


Is there a work around?

POSTED BY: Thu mua Titan
2 Replies

I appreciate your swift response on this. I can now see that the mistake was on my end.

POSTED BY: Thu mua Titan

You need to place a file which lists the available versions in the git. Next to that, you need a folder "Paclets" that contains the paclets.

The is a zipped .m file that basically contains a list of the PacletInfo.wl for each version but then slightly differently formatted.

        Paclet["Name" -> "QMRITools", "Version" -> "3.8.0", 
          "WolframVersion" -> "13.0+", "SystemID" -> All, 
          "Description" -> "Toolbox for Quantitative MRI.", 
          "Extensions" -> {...}],
        Paclet["Name" -> "QMRITools", "Version" -> "3.9.0", 
          "WolframVersion" -> "13.3+", "SystemID" -> All, 
          "Description" -> "Toolbox for Quantitative MRI.", 
          "Extensions" -> {...}]

for more information see here

It would be more useful if Mathematica would recognize the page a valid paclet location instead of the "Paclets" folder.

POSTED BY: Martijn Froeling
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