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Running multiple kernels, another attempt

Posted 9 months ago

Previous question was removed by moderation team. I read the docs, but still don't know how to make this work. Here is a pic of the message I get after I follow the steps in this suggested link: the message I get in new notebook

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
2 Replies
Posted 9 months ago

What version of Mathematica are you running? Does your kernel configuration look like this?

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 9 months ago

I have version 13.2. When I changed the kernel program to WorlframKernel, as you have it in the pic (but I didn't see that anywhere else, why is this obvious?), it worked. The default was newkernel, which didn't work.


POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
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