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NDSolve error:Equation or list of equations expected

Posted 10 months ago

These are my equations that have to been solved:

enter image description here

and this is my notebook that i'm working in. But i don't know what is wrong with that

POSTED BY: Anderson Coelho
3 Replies

You didn't resolve the issue with \[Epsilon][r0] =. Also, the initial condition R'[0] == 0 requires r == 0, but your equations are singular at r == 0.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 10 months ago

I'm so sorry that I attached the wrong notebook. Now it's correct but it doesn't working

POSTED BY: Anderson Coelho

You must define eq2, eq3, eq4 before feeding them to NDSolve.

The last initial condition must be written with \[Epsilon][r0] ==, and not with \[Epsilon][r0] =.

Your last equation has a p[r] which perhaps should be p[\[Epsilon][r]].

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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