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Mathematica support to apple silicon

Posted 10 months ago

Does the Mathematica compile and Wolfram script work natively on apple m1?

POSTED BY: Felipe Barbosa
2 Replies
Posted 6 months ago

enter image description here But the header file claim "not yet implemented"

POSTED BY: Yarco Wang
Posted 10 months ago


  • Wolframscript should work fine. I am not sure if it is actually native, but the actual Wolfram Engine that is executing your code works natively on MacOS ARM. Wolframscript just sends your code or commands to a Wolfram Engine process.
  • Compilation: [\ $TargetSystems]($TargetSystems.html) has a MacOSX-ARM64 option, so you should be able to compile your code for apple silicon.
POSTED BY: Alec Graves
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