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Error converting Date string to Date Object

Posted 6 months ago

Can someone help explain this error occurring with some string dates and not with other?

There are a number of strings where I get this response

FromDateString::ambig: Warning: the interpretation of the string 12/11/2023 as a date is ambiguous.

For others like "12/12/2023" or "4/15/2023" a Dateobject is returned without a message

What do I need to do differently?

POSTED BY: Patrick Brooks
2 Replies

In Italy, "12/11/2023" means the 12th of november. In the US they have the bizarre custom of reading it as the 11th of december.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 6 months ago

I think I figured it out. The ambiguity was Mathematica not knowing which part of the string was a month and which part of the string was a day.

Once I specified {"Month", "/", "Day","/","Year} the error was cleared.

POSTED BY: Patrick Brooks
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